Seeing well means saving energy
that’s why we carefully analyze the ecological and business requirements of our customers in order to best combine natural and artificial light thanks also to adjustable and intelligent lighting systems to see well and reduce electricity consumption costs.
Seeing well means working better and producing more
this is why we design tailor-made solutions for every work environment in compliance with European standards (EN 12464-1) and international standards to guarantee the required levels of visual performance in order to allow visual tasks to be carried out even in difficult and protracted circumstances. time and benefit from dynamic lighting systems to vary lighting levels throughout the day.
Seeing well means security for people and things
that’s why our solutions meet high standards of strength and resistance to external agents even in the case of high intensity atmospheric phenomena ensuring a control of the distribution of light even on large areas and providing an homogeneous indirect light without creating unnecessary reverberations or light dispersion.
Seeing well means environmental sustainability
that’s why we invest in new LED solutions that increase efficiency and reduce the need for maintenance to create common spaces that do not waste resources and save money.
Seeing well means protecting your eyes
that’s why we evaluate the effects of glare of every surface within the worker’s field of vision to reduce fatigue, improve work performance and best combine natural and artificial light thanks to adjustable and intelligent lighting systems to see good and reduce electricity consumption costs.
Seeing well means creating engaging environments
this is why our spotlight and downlight solutions allow you to create a luminous map of the store where the customer (and his eyes) are accompanied to bring their attention where the retailer wants: products, monitors, posters, …
In this case, the designer works side by side with the store manager creating tailor-made and dynamic solutions that can be adapted during the year (sales, launching new seasons, sales, …).
Compared to traditional forms of lighting, LED lighting is very versatile and fits well even in small spaces such as niches, display boxes, shelves allowing you to give each corner the right visibility.
Seeing well means efficiency and flexibility
this is why during the redesign of a retail space we not only take the opportunity to improve the shopping experience, but also evaluate the energy consumption of the lighting system and the possible savings in the long term. LED panels use less energy and last longer than halogen bulbs.
If even the initial purchase cost of the individual panel/light bulb may seem superior, the designer must know that the pieces necessary to ensure a high lighting level are lower than the traditional solutions and the energy consumption over 1, 5, 10 years is undoubtedly lower.