Relamping project of the lighting system of the soccer field at 11 in Grassobbio, in the province of Bergamo, where the fcd Grassobbio plays.
The old system has been replaced by 4 modern high mast towers with Luxi LED floodlights from the VR HW 900 W series.
In addition, the Municipality of Grassobbio wanted to equip the plant with a lighting control system through the use of the Luxi RFxLT wireless control module that can be controlled via the Luxi Bluetooth-868 MHz RFxGATE gateway with built-in lux meter and buttons.
RFxGATE is used by facility managers as a wireless pushbutton panel to communicate with the RFxLT module and adjust the intensity of the lighting of the LED projectors, for example, from a night race scenario to a training scenario.
Watch the video of the Grassobbio football pitch facility
The relamping interventions, combined with the lighting control solutions, implemented on this sports field have allowed the Municipality of Grassobbio to access the contributions for energy efficiency and sustainable territorial development provided for by the Growth Decree approved on 27/06/2019.
Grassobbio (BG)
Municipality of Grassobbio
Lighting project
Elettroindustriale Srl
Products used
900W VR HW series
RFxLT wireless controller
RFxGATE remote control